Add an Inventory Item
Last updated:
January 31, 2025
How to add a new item
- Click the ‘Add New’ button from the toolbar on the inventory item page within Recast for Business, and select "Inventory Item"

Item Details
- Firstly, you’ll be required to fill out some basic information about your inventory item. This will be presented to users before being asked to confirm any purchase.

Pricing, Availability, Share & Split
- At this stage, you must set pricing for your item before it can be published. The pricing tool gives you an indication of how much you will earn per purchase based on the current cost of your content in Cast Credits, Recast’s unique in platform currency. As a reminder 100 Cast Credits = £1.00 GBP.
- Select the countries you want to make your item available in, ensuring you hold the rights for the item you are selling in those territories.
- Set the share value for your item - this is the percentage of the price that users or affiliates will receive when they share your items and their share directly results in an additional purchase. Users will receive the share value in Cast Credits and Affiliates will receive it in cash.
- Splitting your earnings allows you to share a percentage of the net revenue with another Recast Vendors. Use this when collaborating with another entity, brand partner or talent who also hold a Recast Vendor account.

Publishing Your Item
You’ll now have the choice of how you publish your video with 2 options:
- Publish immediately after creating this item - This will make your inventory item available to purchase as soon as you select publish and you've made it available on your website.
- Publish manually later This will save the item as unpublished (not able to be published) and allow you to publish from the ‘inventory items’ tab in Recast for Business at a later date.

Your Inventory Items List
You'll be directed back to your inventory list. Here you'll see a view of your entire inventory list, with relevant information and actions including the ability to:
- Publish and unpublish inventory items
- Copy your inventory item IDs - more info below
- Edit your item(s)
- Delete your inventory items. Please not that inventory items can only be deleted if they have zero purchases.
Copying your inventory item ID
As an API client you may find it useful to copy your inventory item ID for use with your integration. To copy the item ID:
- Find the inventory item in your list
- Click the ID icon to copy the ID code to your clipboard.