How to manage your Recast for Business account
Last updated:
January 30, 2025
Edit Publisher Data
- If you are the Owner of a Publisher account, you are able to view and edit the Publisher data i.e. company name, VAT details, registered address.

- The option to edit this information is available using the edit pencil on the Recast Publish landing page
Creating a new Publisher
If you would like to create a new Publisher account, please head to, sign up for a package and create your new publisher and channel.
Terms and Conditions
- Publishers will be asked to accept Recast’s terms and conditions during the onboarding process in Recast Publish. Where a Publisher has not agreed to the terms and conditions they won’t be able to set their channel live and will be prompted to agree before continuing

- The terms and conditions can be accepted during either the Publisher or Channel set-up process but must be accepted prior to making your channel live on the Fan site.
Admins List
- Visit the ‘Channel Admins’ to:
a. View all Channel Admins
b. Add new Channel Admin
c. Remove Channel Admin

- On the list of Channel Admins, you will find all Fans with Admin access to the Channel
Add New Channel Admin
- You can add a new Channel Admin
- Insert ‘Username’ of Recast Fan who you want to become your Channel Admin
- a. The entire ‘Username’ is required – it is not possible to search for a Fan account
- b. Once you have inserted the ‘Username’
- Click on the ‘Add new admin’ button
- The Fan will be added as a Channel Admin
- If the incorrect ‘Username’ is inserted, you will see an error notification
TIP: The ‘Username’ can be found in Recast in the ‘Me’ section. If you do not know the correct ‘username’, please contact
Remove a Channel Admin
- You can remove a Channel Admin using the ‘Remove’ button
- When you click ‘Remove’ you will have to confirm the Channel Admin’s removal
- a. By confirming, the Admin will be removed and will no longer have Admin access to the Channel.
- b. By cancelling, the Admin’s access to Channel management will remain in place
- Owners cannot remove their own details from the Channel Admin list. If you wish to do so, please contact your Account Manager.