Recast Reach

Recast Reach enables media owners to unlock exponential growth of their reach and revenue.

Take your content to where your fans are, while maintaining complete control and ownership of your rights.

Recast Reach is a fully integrated affiliate and content syndication engine, which incentivises fans, athletes, influencers and affiliates to promote your content via their social media or to host it on their own websites.

New audiences and new revenue with a zero customer acquisition cost.

Recast Reach enables content syndication in two ways:

Affiliate Embed Widgets

Enable Affiliates to host your content, sell to their audience and monetise your content from their audiences. Earnings are distributed to affiliates in real-time according to the price and affiliate percentage set.

Share & Earn links

Encourage fans, athletes, and influencers to share your content with their social media networks. By using unique links, they can drive traffic to your content; earnings are instantly distributed between you and the referrers.

With each option, you control the price of content and earning percentages of anyone sharing content. Our outreach team will actively promote your content to Recast's affiliate network, and help you target partners who can maximise distribution, reach and in turn revenue generation unlike ever before.

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